Tag Archives: core

what’s your finish line?


So after training for weeks upon weeks and crossing the finish line… I find myself asking where do I want to be next? And… how will I get there?

Do you ever ask yourself or think about what lies ahead? Do you have goals… a race, a new job, conquering a fear, more time with your spouse, your kids, your friends? Your finish line could be so many things… but then once you cross, shouldn’t there be a new goal, shouldn’t you find another?

I find myself looking to the next big thing. The LIVESTRONG Austin Half in February… or becoming a cyclist… a swimmer… or competing in my first triathlon in May… perhaps another marathon and a century-ride @ the LIVESTRONG Challenge next fall. I know I’m ready to start working toward my next goal now; I’m not too good at sitting still. No post-marathon blues for me.  I had already moved on before I ran Chicago… my eyes were on my next target.  Sure I take time to enjoy each day… but I still need to focus on what’s ahead!

Right now I’m trying to rest an injury (which is so incredibly hard for me…) trying to find the willpower not to wake up 3-4 times a week and hit the road running. I am trying my best to only hit the weights, core and cardio workouts, swimming and cycling for the next few weeks.

I came across a great quote which is so true for every aspect of life… “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” Can I spend time at the pool, teaching myself good form, endurance and efficiency so when I do register for my first triathlon and hit the open water, I’ll be ready? Can I take time off from running so once I get my run back on, I’ll be 100%?

Whatever that finish line is for you, find your love and your passion. Discover what truly makes you happy and go for it. Because once you put in the time, effort and hard work… crossing the finish line will be one of the best feelings in the world!